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Let's get strong together.

What will you accomplish?

Use the buttons below to learn more about an available service.

Training + Nutrition

Fuel your body, Find your strength

Are you ready to make a change? Do your body a favor with this best value, combination approach to training and nutrition. Health and fitness is as much about what your body can DO as what it looks like. In person and online options available.

Please visit training OR nutrition pages for more information.

Flexible Nutrition

Fuel your body with foods you love

"Diets" are a trending topic in fitness these days. Eat this, don't eat that...

Learn how to reach your goals with a nutrition plan that allows you to eat food you enjoy while fueling your body to move. No foods are off limits in this balanced approach to nutrition.

For more nutrition information and recipes, visit the blog!

Strength Programming

A Stronger, More Capable You

If you've got a handle on your nutrition and you just need a little guidance in the gym, this option is for you. I design no-nonsense training programs to help build a stronger, leaner, you. Each program is 100% customized and built to meet YOUR individual needs.

Program design involves creating a purposeful system or plan to achieve a specific goal. I take the guesswork out of your training by manipulating acute variables, using scientific concepts, and applying periodization.

For information on the specifics of YOUR training program, please shoot me an email.

One-on-One Training Sessions

In-Person Training in Birmingham

Lots of options available for Birmingham residents. Personal training packages available for one on one work in a private facility conveniently located off of Hwy 280.

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